Monday, April 4, 2011

I'm kind of tired

It's been a good day. We've done our normal monday things and now the boys are in their rooms. One is napping and one is playing on the floor. Ethan was exhausted. But bless his heart, he was in a good mood despite the exhaustion. Dylan was tired, but he went the other way. He was a terror. Most of the time, he just asks to go to bed when he gets like that. No not today. He decided to raise a little hell. I guess someone has to so he thought it may at well be him. I left him content in his room though.
Last night I had attempted to thaw out pork chops for dinner. Well they were no where near thawed by dinner time. So we ended up having what I call a "clean out the freezer" dinner. Various junk basically. No one complained though. Everyone left the table full. I guess it all worked out. So tonight will be last night's pork chops. Nothing special. Probably just bbq them.
We have had the threat of storms all day today. Round 1 missed us. Round 2 is on it's way and should get us, but I think they are getting weaker the closer they get, so that's good. We got a little bit of rain, but nothing else. And it has been insanely windy for the last 24 hours. I could do without the wind. It was near 70 degrees when we got up this morning. Crazy!
I usually don't have anything interesting to say on Mondays. This one is no different!


  1. Stay safe during the storms. We are supposed to have bad weather tonight here in Georgia.

  2. We missed out on them in the northwest corner of the state, thankfully! I have such a love/hate relationship with this time of year. I love warm weather, but hate storms. We had a terrible tornado last year just one mile south of our house, which compounded my hate 100 times!


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