Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday Link up

I am linking up with 2 photography blogs today using this photo I took yesterday. It is the rock in the base of my little ficus tree. I got that tree last year for mother's day. Shockingly it has survived. Im not good at keeping plants alive! I cropped it a bit, added a matte and softened everything but the letters on the rock.
and then, she {snapped}


  1. I love those encouragement rocks! They make me smile!

    be blessed!


  2. Hope is exceptionally beautiful here.

  3. Thanks to everyone for coming over for a comment and visit!

  4. A tiny rock, but a big message needed around the world today, with oppressed people fighting against tyrants, the Japanese people struggling to cope with the aftermath of the disaster and a nuclear time bomb, the Thais coping with flood and political uncertainties...

  5. Great shot! Thank you for participating in Fabulous Friday!


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