Friday, June 24, 2011


I am in a bit of a personal funk. I just need...well, I'm not sure. In the meantime, please enjoy these pictures.

Ethan and I went out on the 4-wheeler yesterday evening. I needed a little peace and just took him with me. He really enjoys it. Anyway, the sky was pretty, so I snapped a few. These were just 2 of the best. I know there are usually more pictures on Fridays, but like I said, I am in a funk. Tomorrow will be better I'm sure.


  1. tomorrow will be better. those pictures are super neat!

  2. Beautiful the beams of sun. Hope they cheer you for tomorrow. I have my funk days too. They're not much fun. I usually watch a movie or TV series to get take my mind of the funk and put it someplace else.

  3. Wow...what a sky. Hope you are feeling better♥

  4. Beautiful skies, I like to escape on the 4wheeler too!

  5. that sky is amazing...looks like Heaven is shining down! thank you for linking up!


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