Not a lot going on this week. Dylan had a good day at school yesterday. He stayed dry at least this time! I am sitting outside now on the porch watching Dylan play. Ethan is napping. Ethan is having another bad day today. Very cranky. Yesterday was a good day for him. Dylan is riding around on his power wheel four wheeler looking for flowers (weeds) in the yard. He carries a little sand bucket around with him and collects the flowers then brings them to me. This week the weather is finally cooling down. At least it wont be near 90 any this week.
We got some babysitters lined up for the boys in September, so Ryan and I are going to be able to take short vacation together. We are going to drive to Atlantic City, NJ and stay a few nights in one of the casinos out there. Of course plans could still change, but as of now, we are going and I am so excited. I can't wait to eat my dinner in peace! No screaming from one kid because I'm not feeding him fast enough, and no jibberish from the other (just because he can). Everyone needs a little time for themselves every now and then. I never take time for just me so I can't wait. A big thanks to the family for helping out. It means a lot.
So not much else.
Ooo enjoy your vacation!!! How fun!!